Be your damn self



BODY404 is an online showcase of dark horse designers, youth culture, and innovative art forms. Born at the intersection of self-expression and evolution, we focus on incubating indie designers and emerging ateliers to grow their global business, revitalize manufacturers and logistics, and reignite the passion for unapologetic showmanship.



Countering the traditional designer labels flaunt exclusiveness, we are nurturing a kaleidoscopic designer community. With our roster of emerging ateliers and independent designers, our platform brings edgy products and brands you'd never stumble across on your own to your front page. Shopping here is a journey of diving deep into their design stories, alt-cultures, and conspiring with these creative minds passionate about crafting novel items.



Live at the intersection of fashion, counterculture, and music, we love supporting artists in all of their crazy and iconoclastic endeavors. Whether it is irreverent, iconoclastic, new, or strange. We skirt the sanctimonious, and just want to have fun.

We’ve witnessed how our friends found different ways to showcase themselves: some put their heart and soul into music club, immersing into the punk vibe from dust till dawn; others paint their self expression onto their faces, creating unique makeup looks, and still others make their wardrobe do the talking. There are so many ways to show off your identity, but the one thing they all have in common is a deep desire to express themselves in a visual way.

At BODY404 you'll get the inside scoop on showcasing your realness in all of its rebellious ways. Self expression is a truly process of trial and error — to fully sculpture your identity, you have to try out different clothing and explore different lifestyles, but there's no such thing as a mistake when you're still discovering yourself.

Together with you, we'll continue to empower and elevate the cultural zeitgeist, to create trends rather than following them. Be a nonconformist and have unapologetic fun!
